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[linux-dvb] Re: Antwort: RTL missing EIT


> has anybody else noticed that RTL, RTL2 and S-RTL are missing the EIT 
> for some days?

This happens regularly every few days.

> I tried to rescan but the service ids have remained the same.

> Anybody a clue what is going on?

Since my d-box(1) also doesn't show any program-information for the RTLs 
I assume they are not sending any infos at the moment. What shall I 
say... RTL just seems to be incapable to keep the service up and running, 
similar to Pro-7/Kabel 1 being incapable of using the correct fields for 
subtitles and sending valid info for broadcasts between 0:00h and 6:00h.

Greetings,    Marcus

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