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[linux-dvb] Re: Tuning with driver 2001-05-28

Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> Well, I can't do any tests right now since my VDR box is "occupied",
> but from what I read in this thread I would assume that the best thing
> to do before setting the PIDs to new values would be to set all of
> them to 0x1FFF first (or would 0x0000 be the right value to set "no PID"?),
> and then set them to their new values. That way there could never be the
> case that the two main PIDs (video and audio) happen to get the same value.

0x0000 is where the PAT is. 0x1fff is by definition illegal/unused as a PID.

Maybe you can get away with the strategy you describe, but when I tried
that (~ 3 months ago), the firmware just crashed (ARM RESET)...
A lot of improvements were made to the firmware since then, so
so it my be worth it to try it again now. But my strategy is proven
to work with the current driver and so I just stick with it.


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