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[linux-dvb] Hack: RPM-Spec File for Linux Mandrake

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I've finally adapted my rpm spec file for the current
released dvb-0.9-20010604 version. It is appended to this mail.
Also I've included a patch with the changed I needed to do to
get it run with Mandrake 8.1 Cooker. This spec file requires you
to have libtool 1.4 installed (which can be fetched from Mandrake
Cooker archive) and a kernel >=3D 2.4.4.
The patch also includes some changes improving debugging output
for the libdvb (this mainly concerns satellite scanning for programs
where I had troubles with older versions).
For (n)tuxzap you need to fetch cdk. I have installed the version from The patch concerning compile
problems does not have anything to do with it though.
Warning: Up to now I only tested that the driver itself loads.


Reinhard Katzmann
New GnuPG Public Key available on request

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