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[linux-dvb] Re: Channel switching stablity

Hi All,

I didn't test anything but the behavior .... could it be a heat problem


                    Klaus Schmidinger                                                                                     
                    <Klaus.Schmidinger@c        An:                                             
          >                  Kopie:                                                                    
                    Gesendet von:               Thema:  [linux-dvb] Channel switching stablity                            
                    13.06.2001 18:51                                                                                      

I'm still trying to figure out why the driver crashes so often
when switching channels.

I have therefore uploaded a new version of my test program to

Compile it with

   g++ -I../DVB/ost/include ctest.c

It now prints a sequence of letters when going through the various
steps of switching channels, so that one can see where and when it

There is now only a small selection of channels used, which appear
to make the most trouble. For a while everything goes well, but suddenly
it gets stuck in the SEC_SEND_SEQUENCE call (I'm only testing DVB-S).
The "d" gets printed, but there's quite a while until the "D" comes up.
During this time the /var/log/messages shows

Jun 13 18:46:15 video kernel: outcommand error 1
Jun 13 18:46:20 video kernel: outcommand error 1
Jun 13 18:46:20 video kernel: dvb: ARM RESET

Please let the program run long enough to show the error. I've had times
where it ran successfully for 10 to 15 minutes before showing errors, and
other times where it happend right away.

So, the question still is: is my channel switching flawed, or is it a
or firmware bug?

I believe I am now doing everything the way tuxzap does it, but in case
anybody can see something wrong in my code, I'd appreciate any hints.


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH                   Fax:   +49-8635-6989-40
Hofmark 2                               Email:
D-84568 Pleiskirchen, Germany           URL:

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