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[linux-dvb] Re: Seca CI


first this list isn't supposed to be the place for such questions,
so it's kind of OT,
But as far as I know Aston is the only seller of SECA(Mediaguard)-
CAMs for the moment ... I even don't know which other company has
the licence to produce (at least develop the fw) CICAMs
(there are some who produce STBs with integrated Seca-CAMs).
But why don't buy an Aston-SECA-CAM???

>Hi! Some time ago I asked to the list if there's any poin of sale in
>Europe where to buy a Seca CI that is not ASTON, but didn't receive any
>answer: is that because ALL Seca users have Aston and there's nobody
>else to sell Seca CIs or just that this is a professional secret?
>Ciao Massimiliano

bye, reiner
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