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[linux-dvb] channel switching problem solved now?


By now, I'm using VDR 0.71.
Two weeks ago, I tried VDR 0.82 and drivers 0.9 (18.06.2001). I had the
problem that after switching the channel 30 times or so, vdr shows a
black picture, doesn't quit itself (so it doesn't restart by the
shellscript loop) and I had no idea how to check for this state from
outside vdr (to write a script that could restart vdr in this case).

This behaviour was a reason for me not to use the new vdr version.

Some errors in recordings or playback are acceptable, a total hangup
from one moment on forever isn't.

Because of the drivers and vdr change very often, my question is:

Is this problem fixed now? That means: When I switch channels 1000
times, does vdr hang or not?

Bye, Uwe.

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