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[linux-dvb] Antwort: ac3 playback - please help !!!


did you try adding "-a play-ac3" or if the play ac3 does not suport pipes 
it could be "-a play-ac3 -"


"Martin Hoffmann" <>
Gesendet von:
26.07.2001 19:38

        An:     "linux-dvb" <>
        Thema:  [linux-dvb] ac3 playback - please help !!!


i'm still trying to get the SB Live digital out running.

I have the following, and i really don't get why it does NOT work :-(

Maybe one of you has an idea, i guess it has something to do with stdin 
and pipes in linux - and i guess i'm not too familiar with it !
Any advice would be nice !

Let's see what i have:

First of all adding "-a 'cat > /video0/test.ac3' " to the commandline of 
vdr give me a file named test.ac3 with the dd audio played back in vdr !
That's okay!

After that a "cat /video0/test.ac3 | play-ac3 -" plays the sound via digi 
out - just as supposed to !
Thats okay too !
So obviously the recording contains ac3 audio, which is played back 
through vdr properly and the soundcard is also set up to use its digi out.

Now lets combine the two (that's what i need :-)
Adding "-a 'cat | play-ac3 -' " only gives the line "reading from stdin." 
on the console, which is right and shows that "play-ac3 -" has been called 
properly, but the digi out remains silent :-(
And that is what i don't understand !
It seems to me, as if the data stream isn't properly directed into the 
stdin of play-ac3  - but why ?

Anyone ?

btw: Some background info: vdr 0.84, latest emu10k1 drivers for the SB 
Live (including play-ac3)


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