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[linux-dvb] Re: replay control in general

A nice feature - 2x,3x times slower replay - if we make it
slower, we also should think to make it faster too (skip some I-frames).

On Wed, Jul 25, 2001 at 09:08:37PM +0000, Stefan Huelswitt wrote:
> I also think that it would be nice to have 2 or 3 speeds for fast
> forward/rewind. Currently only I-frames are displayed what should
> give roughly 12x speed. I found it difficult to stop at the right
> position if searching through a recording.

Maybe that is a problem with buffering. It is playing all it have in the
buffer, as well after releasing the key, so you will jump to far. A question
to Klaus or the driver developers: is there a way to stop playing
immediately: stop playing and clear all buffers - in the driver and in the
firmware? I think there are many buffers involved, so this is not so easy
task. If so, vdr should do that commands after it detects: key released.

> What if vdr would display every I-frame 4 times -> would give 3x speed;
> 2 times -> 6 speed.

This is another question: Does vdr play that I frames 
(1) with a certain (say 25fps) speed or 
(2) only as fast as it can? 
In case (2) it would be better to send the I frames delayed to the driver
(e.g. every 40ms, every 80ms ...). 
In case (1) your idea should work, but a delayed out would be less ressource
consuming (but can maybe confuse the decoder).


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