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[linux-dvb] Re: lost audio after cutting

ron wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a problem with cutting the commercials from the recordings.
> The resulting file can be replayed with VDR quite well, and all seems
> to be ok. But when I convert the file with e.g. PVAStrumento or mplex
> and store it as SVCD the sound is lost exactly at the position of the
> first cut.
> I tried also to store the cutted .vdr-file to a VCD directly and the
> problem was the same - audio lost.
> That seems to me a problem of the cutting process itself.
> I'm using VDR 0.99.
> I found in the mail archive similar reportings about version 0.82.
> Is it a problem of my installation here?

Since VDR itself (i.e. the DVB-card) is apparently able to replay the
edited files, the problem must be with the PVAStrumento or mplex software.
My guess would be that they get irritated by the discontinuity in the
Presentation Time Stamps, which occurs at the editing point. These
programs should be able to handle such discontinuities gracefully, instead
of simply throwing away the entire rest of the audio track.


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