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[linux-dvb] UPDATE: Pinnacle PCTV Sat driver (experimental) updated

Hello everyone,

today the PCTV Sat driver in the linux-dvb cvs has been updated.
Major changes:
- does not contain the 2.4.2 bttv driver anymore
- no need to patch the bttv driver anymore
- works with linux kernel 2.4.18, should work with (almost) all 2.4.x

To download:
cvs -d login
cvs -d co \
-r experimental-pinnacle DVB

To compile:
cd DVB/driver
make (if you get compile errors, please mail me...)

To run:
./ins (NOT make insmod, this will try to load the siemens dvb driver, which
       will fail)

To use:
dvbstream -o -ps -f 12110 -p h -s 27500 2401 2402 | mplayer -cache 2048 -
(NDR3 on Astra 19.2E)

To unload:

Further information:
some files in DVB/driver/pctv

Modules pctv.o and cx24110.o use the insmod parameter 'debug=1',
bt878.o uses 'bt878_debug=1'
Beware, your system log will fill very quickly.

Best regards,

Peter Hettkamp
"Only wimps use tape backup: _real_ men just upload their important stuff
on ftp, and let the rest of the world mirror it ;)"
(Linus Torvalds, about his failing hard drive on

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