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[linux-dvb] Re: [PATCH] Make grundig_29504-401 tuner work onmodule re-insertion

Holger Waechtler wrote:
Hi Jon,

that's illegal -- it would overwrite an attached EEPROM if we write registers before we're sure that it's really a L64781. I just realized
OK, in understand. The trouble with this test is that the L64781 will reponds after it is initialised. In fact the test a couple of lines further down makes sure this is the case.

To fix this, there needs to be some magic code added to the _detach() function to really turn off the device, so it doesn't respond during the check on re-insertion.

that the grundig_29504-401 drivers in DVB/ and dvb-kernel are not synchronized, I'll fix that. Can you please update your CVS and then take the new grundig_29504-401.c as reference?

OK, i'll do that.

When I powered up my PC with my patch applied I found that VDR doesn't initially receive anything. It works fine if the VDR is restarted, so i'm at a bit of a loss to know exactly why it doesn't work.

The original patch from Andrew de Quincy works fine, but it still removes the same check as my patch.


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