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[linux-dvb] Re: dvb-input PATCH for mplayer

Nico wrote:


this patch for mplayer-cvs adds three things to the existing code (that is
actually broken)

1) OSD menu of channels
2) howto instructions in DOCS/en/dvbin-howto.txt
3) recording to a recompressed format is now reliable (doesn't break at
the first EOVERFLOW), but continues with eventual glitches in the recorded
stream; as usual the more powerful CPU you have the better.

As always non-FTA channels are not supported and mpalyer hangs when you
select one of them, so please remove them from you ~/.mplayer/channels.conf.

As the tuning code is taken from dvbstream, my patch always uses
INVERSION_OFF, so it might suffer from the same problems reported some
days ago by some DVB-T users. I'll update the code as soon as I have some
more information about this issue.

Feedback and suggestions are welcome.


Thanks for this patch, but i cant find the howto and when trying to just read the input of the tuned device or when opening the input with mplayer i get no output. Could you repost the howto, or give me an information on how to solve that?


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