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[linux-dvb] Re: Mplayer dvb

Am Don, 2003-06-19 um 15.51 schrieb Ashley Evans:
> Hey folks, I'm getting a bit regular here :)
> Where do I get the dvb part of mplayer and will it give me what I want which 
> is:
> 	User friendly channel changing.
> 	Simple recording (does the dvb work as a mencoder input as -tv does?)
> 	No more pissing around with scripts and xterms.
> I used to like xawtv. has anybody written a kernel modules or something to 
> bridge budget cards /dev/dvb/* /dev/video? I think that would be cool!

Missing software-decoder ... and bridging video-device to DVB-device wouldn't 
work as the V4L(2)-API cannot interface the necessary functions for controlling 
the DVB-cards (that for is DVB-API).

The only way in that direction would be to have video-output only on video-device 
and control the cards by DVB-API. Such a kernel-module would be nice for 
compatibility, although it would be better to let the user-space software 
do decoding.


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