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[linux-dvb] Re: initial.h additions for scan

Holger Waechtler wrote:

I applied your patch, but on the long run this has to get overhauled and done more intelligent.

If you analyse the OtherNIT tables correctly I hope it's possible to stay at one or two start transponders per Satellite. For Astra that's even sufficient now, they only use usual NITs.

Would you like to do it?
-- klip-- from dvb changelog ----
2003-06-24 21:29  js

	* apps/scan/scan.c: - removed cruft from section filter code -
	began implementing NIT-other evaluation (work in progress)

It appears that Johannes is doing something in this direction.
Do the satellites really contain useful other-nit info remains to
be seen.

I have couple of other small patches about done,
selection of radio/tv channels like 'scan -r 0' no radio, default all,
and ca_type selection like -ca 0, select only fta, or -ca 666,
mark ca channels as :666: instead of :1:

Usefull ??

Lauri Tischler, Network Admin
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