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[linux-dvb] Re: grr.. Any DVB-T adaptors which work reliably?

TZAP reports "signal" of around 3333 right now (10pm at night).  "ber" is
sometimes zero on BBC ONE, but usually 0, 1, or 2 on most channels

Is this a strong signal?
verror with dvbtune is important. It should be below 1000 if at all possible. For BBC I managed to get verror rates around 50 which is next to perfect. ber should be at 0 after tuning.

A strong signal shows no or very, very few breakups in the stream.

>So is this not an ARM crash? If its a front end lockup does this point more
>at driver issues than firmware issues?

It's an ARM crash if the message log usually /var/log indicates "The ARM has crashed". Front end lockup usually precedes the ARM crash notice. A complete sporadic lock up of the card is usually an ARM crash.

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