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[linux-dvb] qt zap application

Hi all,

I've added a little application to my website that might be interesting to the people watching DVB with a DVB-s card. It's called qdvbzap and works as a frontend application that runs dvbstream in background and pipes it output to a movie player like xine or mplayer. It's still in an early development stage and supports DVB-s only at the moment. You can't add or edit channels at the moment ; you have to import them from channels.conf from szap. At least channels will be saved in a config file when the program quits ;-). Get it here:

Would be nice to have some people qdvbzap tested. It's really nice if you don't have a hw decoder and so can't use xawtv or something similar.

Thanks in forward.
See you,
cout << "Happy Coding!" << endl;

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