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[linux-dvb] Oops in dvbdmx_release_ts_feed (2.6.0-test9)


When switching channels etc. furiously in vdr I ended up with the following
oops. The kernel is a vanilla 2.6.0-test9.

The EIP corresponds to line 711 in dvb_demux.c, which is

        if (feed->pid <= DMX_MAX_PID) {
-->               list_for_each_safe(pos, n, head)
                        if (DMX_FEED_ENTRY(pos)->pid == feed->pid) {
                feed->pid = 0xffff;

        .loc 1 711 0
        movl    268(%esi), %ecx
        cmpl    %edi, %ecx
        movl    (%ecx), %eax
        je      .L475
        .p2align 4,,7
        .loc 1 712 0
        cmpw    %dx, -48(%ecx)
        je      .L485
        .loc 1 711 0
        movl    %eax, %ecx
-->     movl    (%eax), %eax   (this one I believe)
        cmpl    %edi, %ecx
        jne     .L481

Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 00100100
 printing eip: e0a57aea
*pde = 12eb7001
*pte = 00000000
Oops: 0000 [#1]
CPU:    0
EIP:    0060:[<e0a57aea>]    Tainted: PFB
EFLAGS: 00010286
EIP is at dvbdmx_release_ts_feed+0x7a/0xf0 [dvb_core]
eax: 00100100   ebx: e0a7d174   ecx: 00100100    edx: 00000384
esi: da3343a8   edi: da3344b4   ebp: cbc4fe84    esp: cbc4fe78
ds: 007b   es: 007b   ss: 0068
Process vdr (pid: 23523, threadinfo=cbc4e000 task=de3ccc80)
Stack: e0aa2000 da334398 e0aa2000 cbc4fe98 e0a55720 da3343a8 e0a7d174 e0aa2070
       cbc4fec4 e0a562ab e0aa2000 000f2000 dffce280 d8724780 00000000 da33435c
       bffff5f0 c725a840 00006f2a cbc4ff70 e0a58d11 d3702354 c725a840 00006f2a
Call Trace:
[<e0a55720>] dvb_dmxdev_filter_stop+0x70/0xb0 [dvb_core]
[<e0a562ab>] dvb_demux_do_ioctl+0x12b/0x240 [dvb_core]
[<e0a58d11>] dvb_usercopy+0xd1/0x200 [dvb_core]
[<c0153817>] unmap_vm_area+0x37/0x80
[<c016f864>] dput+0x24/0x220
[<e0a563ee>] dvb_demux_ioctl+0x2e/0x30 [dvb_core]
[<e0a56180>] dvb_demux_do_ioctl+0x0/0x240 [dvb_core]
[<c016afed>] sys_ioctl+0x11d/0x2b0
[<c0158751>] sys_close+0x61/0x90
[<c010b2dd>] sysenter_past_esp+0x52/0x71

Code: 8b 00 39 f9 75 f2 66 c7 83 44 10 00 00 ff ff f6 83 64 10 00

Hopefully this is enough to debug the problem, I'll try to figure it out
myself as well, but since I'm quite unfamiliar with the code it might take
some time :/

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