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[linux-dvb] analogTV plugin and PVR 250

I have had some luck regarding using the analogtv plugin together with my pvr-250, but only when running runvdr/vdr from a shell, when running runvdr from inittab the screen is just black. I guess it's the pes2ts2 program that can't started from there (?) or something similar. I use a keyboard input (remote that sends to IR connected to ps2 input)...

I'd LOVE some help here since this is not really my area of knowledge

inittab entry:
vdr:3:respawn:/vdr/runvdr --terminal /dev/tty1

This is my runvdr script:

# runvdr: Loads the DVB driver and runs VDR
# If VDR exits abnormally, the driver will be reloaded
# and VDR restarted.
# Set the environment variable VDRUSR to the user id you
# want VDR to run with. If VDRUSR is not set, VDR will run
# as 'root', which is not necessarily advisable.
# Since this script loads the DVB driver, it must be started
# as user 'root'.
# Any command line parameters will be passed on to the
# actual 'vdr' program.
# See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
# how to reach the author.
# $Id: runvdr 1.9 2002/03/16 16:22:12 kls Exp $

VDRCMD="$VDRPRG -w 60 -v /video0 -Psc -Plcdproc -Pmp3 -Pmplayer -Pdvd -Pstreamdev -Pcalendar -Pgames -Pttxtsubs -Panalogtv $*"

LSMOD="`/sbin/lsmod | grep -w '^dvb' | wc -l`"
LSMODIVTV="`/sbin/lsmod | grep -w '^ivtv' | wc -l`"
KILL="/usr/bin/killall -q -TERM"

if [ $LSMODIVTV -eq 0 ] ; then
        (cd /usr/local/src/ivtv/driver;
        modprobe i2c-algo-bit;
        modprobe tuner type=5 # for a PAL-tuner;
        insmod ./msp3400.o once=1 simple=1 standard=0x3;
        modprobe videodev;
        insmod ./saa7115.o;
        insmod ./ivtv.o mpg_buffers=100)

su -c "LCDd"

# Load driver if it hasn't been loaded already:
if [ $LSMOD -eq 0 ] ; then
   (cd $DVBDIR; make rmmod; make insmod)

while (true) do
      cd /usr/local/src/vdr-1.2.5
      su -c "$VDRCMD" $VDRUSR
      if test $? -eq 0; then exit; fi
      echo "restarting VDR"
      sleep 10
      (cd $DVBDIR; make rmmod; make insmod)

I use the following options in setup.conf (as someone posted previously on this list):
analogtv.AudioBitRate = 224
analogtv.AudioMode = 3
analogtv.AutoUpdate = 0
analogtv.Brightness = 20
analogtv.Clipping = 1
analogtv.Colour = 16
analogtv.Contrast = 14
analogtv.debug = 1
analogtv.Deinterlace = 0
analogtv.Encoder = 7
analogtv.EncoderAlwaysUp = 0
analogtv.EPGfrom = 1
analogtv.EPGprovider = "FF
analogtv.External = "
analogtv.Filter = 7
analogtv.Finetune = "|
analogtv.GOP = 1
analogtv.HideMainMenu = 1
analogtv.Hue = 15
analogtv.ImageSize = 5
analogtv.Link = 0
analogtv.Logger = 1
analogtv.MemcpyMethod = 4
analogtv.MixerDevice = "/dev/null
analogtv.MixerInput = 6
analogtv.MixerVolume = 80
analogtv.MotionMax = 0
analogtv.MotionMin = 0
analogtv.MPEG = 0
analogtv.PCMdevice = "/dev/null
analogtv.Profile = 0
analogtv.PsychoAnalysis = 0
analogtv.Report = 0
analogtv.Test = 0
analogtv.ThemeLanguage = 2
analogtv.Videobitrate = 75

Thanks in advance

/Martin Altemark

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