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[linux-dvb] Re: FF cards alter PTS'?

> >> ffmpeg contains a deinterlacer of pretty good quality. Give it a
> >> try.
> >>
> > 
> > well, i doubt it can realy handle all mpeg2 wich may come from the
> > sky, 
> Please try it before ranting and distributing lies and underdone
> ideas. End even when it has problems then they are probably easy to
> fix - do you remember how long it took to get our firmware and drivers
> in a usable state? Why have you been there so patient but are not
> willing to give an alternative solution the same chance?

just for the records:
holger, your usage of the word "lie" comes 
just too easy for me recently ;-(

for the thread:
if i understand you correctly you want to get 
rid of the FF-cards - and cause i followed the 
development and connected problems esp. 
with the firmware all the years i can 
understand that.

but to declare the problem building a quiet 
dvb-stb with good picture using common 
components solved is just a quick shoot imho.

the only tv-outs that came close to the FF´s 
were epia´s (self-tested - useable but not 
good like the FF´s) and dxr3 (as in use by a 
couple of ppl - but u can find no distributor 
beside ebay).
neither nvidia´s nor ati´s tv-outs on recent 
products have that quality (self-tested).
matrox is reported good - but either expensive 
or outdated too.
sure one could buy a nice projector - but im 
afraid this is no real option for some poor 
suckers like me out there ;-)

ive got that shiny epia board for about 4 
months. sure there is ongoing development, 
but till today you (at least i) couldnt build a 
stable stb with it and my budget.
you could point out that any p4 could decode 
mpeg in software - but thats never quiet nor 
cheap and leads directly to the tv-out problem.

for ppl like me - who are not kernel/driver 
devs its nice to have a competent guy like you 
sayin that these little problems are solved 
anyway - but until i could compile this and that 
and get two days later a stable, quiet stb with 
nice picture that statement is completely 

sure i would like a fancy osd, cheap cards for 
all that friends out there who would like a vdr 
too and more stability without that nasty 
firmware problems ...

so for now i stay with my ff and the epia. and 
btw. i forgot about the CAM-thingie ... *G*


ps: hmm. i checked - no lie in my reply ...

thomas jagoditsch

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