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[linux-dvb] Re: DVB-CI question

Andrew de Quincey wrote:

On Friday 26 March 2004 14:33, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:

If it's not hard to do in userspace, why is it so hard in the driver?
Why should every application implement this by itself? I'd say this should
be done by the driver, and the applications shall exchange complete TPDU's
with the driver.

IMO, the driver should be as simple as possible. I don't think the CAM interface benefits speed-wise from the reassembly being in the driver, so, apart from saving a little bit of extra code in userspace I can't see any good reason for the reassembly being in the kernel. Each app already has to implement all the other layers of the EN50221 control protocol stack itself; why not this extra bit as well?
If I can chime in with a purely design based rationale...

Why only think of this from the point of driver vs. application? I agree with Andrew that the driver should be as simple as possible. The less code one has to run in the kernel context the better. However, I don't particularly like the idea of each application having to reimplement the same basic code - someone is likely to get it wrong.

How about adding another layer? Take all this from the driver, but provide a library implementation that applications can dynamically link to to get the reassembly for free. That way you get the benefit of both worlds. You keep the driver simple and the application developer doesn't have to reinvent the wheel.

Any reason why that something like that would not fly?

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