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[linux-dvb] Re: V4 Video API Questions wrote on 15/07/2004 20:39:10:

> Is there any other use for video user data besides AFD?
> If yes, what would the processing look like, as opposed to AFD?
> What data rate is to be expected for video user data, and
> how many events per sec.?

The only other use I have seen for user-data is to provide some commenting
in the ES.  For example, some encoders or remux software can add some
information about themselves (description, copyright, date, etc).

So for DVB in the UK, I only know about the user-data handling AFDs.  These
can occur at a maximum of every picture header (i.e. 40ms).

Thinking about it, I don't see a problem with the video driver extracting
the AFD information in the user-data and adding that to a field in the
dvb_video_sequence_header with a FLAG to indicate this.  Would this be more
appropriate I wonder?


Rob : )

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