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[linux-dvb] Re: "Video datastream broken" the legend continues...

Hermann Gausterer wrote:

a last questions: can the GET_STATUS ioctl disrupt the normal operation of the
frontend in any way? (there are a lot of ioctls when run the modified
szap .. maybe that could be a point, but if a readonly operation change something, then ...... ;-)
Usually I had a problem with the _first_ vdr recording with triggers a driver(re)load and a vdr restart.

I use two rev 1.3 cards and therefore I made the old bsrv2 frontend driver compile with the actually dvb-kernel-driver (2.4).

I ran several tests and cold boots. Up to now I have no broken recording.

    Driver for Alps BSRV2 QPSK Frontend

    Copyright (C) 1999 Convergence Integrated Media GmbH <>

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.


#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/init.h>

//#include "compat.h"
#include "dvb_frontend.h"
#include "dvb_functions.h"

static int debug = 0;
#define dprintk	if (debug) printk

static struct dvb_frontend_info bsrv2_info = {
	name: "Alps BSRV2",
	type: FE_QPSK,
	frequency_min: 950000,
	frequency_max: 2150000,
	frequency_stepsize: 250,           /* kHz for QPSK frontends */
	frequency_tolerance: 29500,
	symbol_rate_min: 1000000,
	symbol_rate_max: 45000000,
/*      symbol_rate_tolerance: ???,*/
	notifier_delay: 50,                /* 1/20 s */
		FE_CAN_FEC_1_2 | FE_CAN_FEC_2_3 | FE_CAN_FEC_3_4 |

static u8 init_1893_tab [] = {
        0x01, 0xA4, 0x35, 0x81, 0x2A, 0x0d, 0x55, 0xC4,
        0x09, 0x69, 0x00, 0x86, 0x4c, 0x28, 0x7F, 0x00,
        0x00, 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,	
        0x80, 0x00, 0x31, 0xb0, 0x14, 0x00, 0xDC, 0x20,
        0x81, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
        0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
        0x00, 0x55, 0x00, 0x00, 0x7f, 0x00

static u8 init_1893_wtab[] =
        1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,
        0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0, 1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,
        1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,

static int ves1893_writereg (struct dvb_i2c_bus *i2c, u8 reg, u8 data)
        u8 buf [] = { 0x00, reg, data };
	struct i2c_msg msg = { addr: 0x08, flags: 0, buf: buf, len: 3 };
	int err;

        if ((err = i2c->xfer (i2c, &msg, 1)) != 1) {
		dprintk ("%s: writereg error (err == %i, reg == 0x%02x, data == 0x%02x)\n", __FUNCTION__, err, reg, data);
		return -EREMOTEIO;

        return 0;

static u8 ves1893_readreg (struct dvb_i2c_bus *i2c, u8 reg)
	int ret;
	u8 b0 [] = { 0x00, reg };
	u8 b1 [] = { 0 };
	struct i2c_msg msg [] = { { addr: 0x08, flags: 0, buf: b0, len: 2 },
			   { addr: 0x08, flags: I2C_M_RD, buf: b1, len: 1 } };

	ret = i2c->xfer (i2c, msg, 2);

	if (ret != 2)
		dprintk("%s: readreg error (ret == %i)\n", __FUNCTION__, ret);

	return b1[0];

static int sp5659_write (struct dvb_i2c_bus *i2c, u8 data [4])
        int ret;
        struct i2c_msg msg = { addr: 0x61, flags: 0, buf: data, len: 4 };

        ret = i2c->xfer (i2c, &msg, 1);

        if (ret != 1)
                printk("%s: i/o error (ret == %i)\n", __FUNCTION__, ret);

        return (ret != 1) ? -1 : 0;

 *   set up the downconverter frequency divisor for a
 *   reference clock comparision frequency of 125 kHz.
static int sp5659_set_tv_freq (struct dvb_i2c_bus *i2c, u32 freq, u8 pwr)
        u32 div = (freq + 479500) / 125;
        u8 buf [4] = { (div >> 8) & 0x7f, div & 0xff, 0x95, (pwr << 5) | 0x30 };

	return sp5659_write (i2c, buf);

static int ves1893_init (struct dvb_i2c_bus *i2c)
	int i;
	dprintk("%s: init chip\n", __FUNCTION__);

	for (i=0; i<54; i++)
		if (init_1893_wtab[i])
			ves1893_writereg (i2c, i, init_1893_tab[i]);

	return 0;

static int ves1893_clr_bit (struct dvb_i2c_bus *i2c)
        ves1893_writereg (i2c, 0, init_1893_tab[0] & 0xfe);
        ves1893_writereg (i2c, 0, init_1893_tab[0]);
        ves1893_writereg (i2c, 3, 0x00);
        return ves1893_writereg (i2c, 3, init_1893_tab[3]);

static int ves1893_set_inversion (struct dvb_i2c_bus *i2c, fe_spectral_inversion_t inversion)
	u8 val;

	switch (inversion) {
		val = 0xc0;
		val = 0x80;
		val = 0x40;
		return -EINVAL;

	return ves1893_writereg (i2c, 0x0c, (init_1893_tab[0x0c] & 0x3f) | val);

static int ves1893_set_fec (struct dvb_i2c_bus *i2c, fe_code_rate_t fec)
	if (fec == FEC_AUTO)
		return ves1893_writereg (i2c, 0x0d, 0x08);
	else if (fec < FEC_1_2 || fec > FEC_8_9)
		return -EINVAL;
		return ves1893_writereg (i2c, 0x0d, fec - FEC_1_2);

static fe_code_rate_t ves1893_get_fec (struct dvb_i2c_bus *i2c)
	return FEC_1_2 + ((ves1893_readreg (i2c, 0x0d) >> 4) & 0x7);

static int ves1893_set_symbolrate (struct dvb_i2c_bus *i2c, u32 srate)
	u32 BDR;
        u32 ratio;
	u32 BDRI;
	u32 tmp;

	dprintk("%s: srate == %d\n", __FUNCTION__, srate);

	if (srate > 90100000UL/2)
		srate = 90100000UL/2;

	if (srate < 500000)
		srate = 500000;

#define MUL (1UL<<26)
#define FIN (90106000UL>>4)

	tmp = srate << 6;
	ratio = tmp / FIN;

	tmp = (tmp % FIN) << 8;
	ratio = (ratio << 8) + tmp / FIN;

	tmp = (tmp % FIN) << 8;
	ratio = (ratio << 8) + tmp / FIN;

	FNR = 0xff;

	if (ratio < MUL/3)           FNR = 0;
	if (ratio < (MUL*11)/50)     FNR = 1;
	if (ratio < MUL/6)           FNR = 2;
	if (ratio < MUL/9)           FNR = 3;
	if (ratio < MUL/12)          FNR = 4;
	if (ratio < (MUL*11)/200)    FNR = 5;
	if (ratio < MUL/24)          FNR = 6;
	if (ratio < (MUL*27)/1000)   FNR = 7;
	if (ratio < MUL/48)          FNR = 8;
	if (ratio < (MUL*137)/10000) FNR = 9;

	if (FNR == 0xff) {
		ADCONF = 0x89;
		FCONF  = 0x80;
		FNR	= 0;
	} else {
		ADCONF = 0x81;
		FCONF  = 0x88 | (FNR >> 1) | ((FNR & 0x01) << 5);

	BDR = (( (ratio << (FNR >> 1)) >> 4) + 1) >> 1;
	BDRI = ( ((FIN << 8) / ((srate << (FNR >> 1)) >> 2)) + 1) >> 1;

        dprintk("FNR= %d\n", FNR);
        dprintk("ratio= %08x\n", ratio);
        dprintk("BDR= %08x\n", BDR);
        dprintk("BDRI= %02x\n", BDRI);

	if (BDRI > 0xff)
		BDRI = 0xff;

	ves1893_writereg (i2c, 0x06, 0xff & BDR);
	ves1893_writereg (i2c, 0x07, 0xff & (BDR >> 8));
	ves1893_writereg (i2c, 0x08, 0x0f & (BDR >> 16));

	ves1893_writereg (i2c, 0x09, BDRI);
	ves1893_writereg (i2c, 0x20, ADCONF);
	ves1893_writereg (i2c, 0x21, FCONF);

	if (srate < 6000000)
		ves1893_writereg (i2c, 0x05, init_1893_tab[0x05] | 0x80);
		ves1893_writereg (i2c, 0x05, init_1893_tab[0x05] & 0x7f);

	ves1893_clr_bit (i2c);

	return 0;

static int ves1893_set_voltage (struct dvb_i2c_bus *i2c, fe_sec_voltage_t voltage)
	switch (voltage) {
	case SEC_VOLTAGE_13:
		return ves1893_writereg (i2c, 0x1f, 0x20);
	case SEC_VOLTAGE_18:
		return ves1893_writereg (i2c, 0x1f, 0x30);
		return ves1893_writereg (i2c, 0x1f, 0x00);
		return -EINVAL;

static int bsrv2_ioctl (struct dvb_frontend *fe, unsigned int cmd, void *arg)
	struct dvb_i2c_bus *i2c = fe->i2c;
        switch (cmd) {
        case FE_GET_INFO:
		memcpy (arg, &bsrv2_info, sizeof(struct dvb_frontend_info));

        case FE_READ_STATUS:
		fe_status_t *status = arg;
		u8 sync = ves1893_readreg (i2c, 0x0e);

		*status = 0;

		if (sync & 1)
			*status |= FE_HAS_SIGNAL;

		if (sync & 2)
			*status |= FE_HAS_CARRIER;

		if (sync & 4)
			*status |= FE_HAS_VITERBI;

		if (sync & 8)
			*status |= FE_HAS_SYNC;

		if ((sync & 0x1f) == 0x1f)
			*status |= FE_HAS_LOCK;


        case FE_READ_BER:
		u32 *ber = (u32 *) arg;

		*ber = ves1893_readreg (i2c, 0x15);
                *ber |= (ves1893_readreg (i2c, 0x16) << 8);
                *ber |= ((ves1893_readreg (i2c, 0x17) & 0x0f) << 16);
		*ber *= 10;

		u8 signal = ~ves1893_readreg (i2c, 0x0b);
		*((u16*) arg) = (signal << 8) | signal;

        case FE_READ_SNR:
		u8 snr = ~ves1893_readreg (i2c, 0x1c);
		*(u16*) arg = (snr << 8) | snr;

		*(u32*) arg = ves1893_readreg (i2c, 0x18) & 0x7f;

		if (*(u32*) arg == 0x7f)
			*(u32*) arg = 0xffffffff;   /* counter overflow... */
		ves1893_writereg (i2c, 0x18, 0x00);  /* reset the counter */
		ves1893_writereg (i2c, 0x18, 0x80);  /* dto. */

        case FE_SET_FRONTEND:
		struct dvb_frontend_parameters *p = arg;

		sp5659_set_tv_freq (i2c, p->frequency, 0);
		ves1893_set_inversion (i2c, p->inversion);
		ves1893_set_fec (i2c, p->u.qpsk.fec_inner);
//		sp5659_set_tv_freq (i2c, p->frequency, 0);
		ves1893_set_symbolrate (i2c, p->u.qpsk.symbol_rate);

		struct dvb_frontend_parameters *p = arg;
		int afc;

		afc = ((int)((char)(ves1893_readreg (i2c, 0x0a) << 1)))/2;
		afc = (afc * (int)(p->u.qpsk.symbol_rate/1000/8))/16;

		p->frequency -= afc;
		p->inversion = (ves1893_readreg (i2c, 0x0f) & 2) ? 
		p->u.qpsk.fec_inner = ves1893_get_fec (i2c);
	/*  XXX FIXME: timing offset !! */

        case FE_SLEEP:
		ves1893_writereg (i2c, 0x1f, 0x00);    /*  LNB power off  */
		return ves1893_writereg (i2c, 0x00, 0x08);

        case FE_INIT:
		return ves1893_init (i2c);

	case FE_RESET:
		return ves1893_clr_bit (i2c);

	case FE_SET_TONE:
		return -EOPNOTSUPP;  /* the ves1893 can generate the 22k */
				     /* let's implement this when we have */
				     /* a box that uses the 22K_0 pin... */
		return ves1893_set_voltage (i2c, (fe_sec_voltage_t) arg);

		return -EOPNOTSUPP;
        return 0;

static int bsrv2_attach (struct dvb_i2c_bus *i2c, void **data)
	if ((ves1893_readreg (i2c, 0x1e) & 0xf0) != 0xd0)
		return -ENODEV;

	dvb_register_frontend (bsrv2_ioctl, i2c, NULL, &bsrv2_info);

	return 0;

static void bsrv2_detach (struct dvb_i2c_bus *i2c, void *data)
	dvb_unregister_frontend (bsrv2_ioctl, i2c);

static int __init init_bsrv2 (void)
	return dvb_register_i2c_device (THIS_MODULE, bsrv2_attach, bsrv2_detach);

static void __exit exit_bsrv2 (void)
	dvb_unregister_i2c_device (bsrv2_attach);


MODULE_AUTHOR("Ralph Metzler");
# Makefile for the kernel DVB frontend device drivers.

EXTRA_CFLAGS = -Idrivers/media/dvb/dvb-core/

obj-$(CONFIG_DVB_TWINHAN_DST) += dst.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DVB_STV0299) += stv0299.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DVB_ALPS_TDLB7) += alps_tdlb7.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DVB_ALPS_TDMB7) += alps_tdmb7.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DVB_ATMEL_AT76C651) += at76c651.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DVB_CX24110) += cx24110.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DVB_GRUNDIG_29504_491) += grundig_29504-491.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DVB_GRUNDIG_29504_401) += grundig_29504-401.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DVB_MT312) += mt312.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DVB_VES1820) += ves1820.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DVB_VES1X93) += ves1x93.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DVB_TDA1004X) += tda1004x.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DVB_SP887X) += sp887x.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DVB_NXT6000) += nxt6000.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DVB_MT352) += mt352.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DVB_ALPS_BSRV2) += alps_bsrv2.o
ifeq ($(obj),)
obj = .

MDIR		:= misc

saa7146-objs    := saa7146_core.o saa7146_i2c.o 
saa7146-vv-objs	:= saa7146_fops.o saa7146_video.o saa7146_hlp.o saa7146_vbi.o saa7146_vv_ksyms.o

dvb-ttpci-budget-objs := budget-core.o budget.o
dvb-ttpci-budget-ci-objs := budget-core.o budget-ci.o
dvb-ttpci-budget-av-objs := budget-core.o budget-av.o
dvb-ttpci-budget-patch-objs := budget-core.o budget-patch.o

dvb-ttpci-objs	  :=  av7110_hw.o av7110_v4l.o av7110_av.o av7110_ca.o av7110.o av7110_ipack.o
dvb-ttpci-objs    +=  av7110_ir.o

dvb-core-objs   := dvb_functions.o dvb_compat.o dmxdev.o dvb_demux.o dvb_net.o dvb_i2c.o \
		dvb_filter.o dvb_frontend.o dvbdev.o \
		dvb_ksyms.o dvb_ringbuffer.o dvb_ca_en50221.o

export-objs	:= ttpci-eeprom.o dvb_functions.o budget-core.o dvb_compat.o saa7146_vv_ksyms.o saa7146_core.o \
		dvb_ksyms.o video-buf.o v4l2-common.o v4l1-compat.o bt878.o dvb_ringbuffer.o # videodev.o

obj-saa7146	:= video-buf.o v4l2-common.o v4l1-compat.o saa7146.o saa7146_vv.o 
obj-dvb 	:= dvb-core.o \
 			stv0299.o alps_tdlb7.o alps_tdmb7.o alps_bsrv2.o \
			tda1004x.o at76c651.o cx24110.o grundig_29504-401.o \
			grundig_29504-491.o ves1820.o ves1x93.o nxt6000.o sp887x.o \
			dst.o dvb_dummy_fe.o  \
			dvb-ttpci-budget.o dvb-ttpci-budget-ci.o \
			dvb-ttpci-budget-av.o \
			dvb-bt8xx.o bt878.o \
			skystar2.o \
			dvb-ttusb-budget.o \
			ttusb_dec.o mt312.o mt352.o ttpci-eeprom.o

# create a variable that holds the name of a firmware file for the av7110
AV7110_FIRMWARE_PRESENT := $(wildcard dvb-ttpci*.fw)

# if a firmware file was found in the current directory, build the av7710
# drivers that depend on it
ifneq ($(AV7110_FIRMWARE_PRESENT),)
obj-dvb += dvb-ttpci-budget-patch.o dvb-ttpci.o
# if it does not exist, make a dependecy to a fake target which simply
# prints out a message 
obj-dvb += dvb-ttpci-info.txt 

obj-m		:= $(obj-saa7146) $(obj-dvb) # videodev.o

emacs-etags	:= TAGS

# compile modules

# recursive call from kernel build system
dummy		:= $(shell echo $(KERNELRELEASE) > $(obj)/.version)

multi-m		:= $(filter $(list-multi), $(obj-m))
int-m		:= $(sort $(foreach m, $(multi-m), $($(basename $(m))-objs)))
EXTRA_CFLAGS	:= -MD -I ../linux/include -I . -DCONFIG_DVB_AV7110_OSD

include $(TOPDIR)/Rules.make

# take version info from last module build if available
KERNELRELEASE	:= $(shell cat $(obj)/.version 2>/dev/null || uname -r)

KDIR		:= /lib/modules/$(KERNELRELEASE)/build
PWD		:= $(shell pwd)
DEST		:= /lib/modules/$(KERNELRELEASE)/$(MDIR)

include $(KDIR)/.config

	[ -L saa7146_video.c ] || ./getlinks
	$(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) CC="gcc -I$(PWD)/include" SUBDIRS=$(PWD) modules

	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(DEST); cp -v $(filter-out %.txt,$(obj-m)) $(DESTDIR)$(DEST)

	find . -type l -exec rm {} \;
	-rm -f *~ .version
	-rm -f *.o *.d .*.o.flags *.o.flags *.o.cmd
	-rm -f TAGS
	-rm -f fdump av7110_firm.h dsp_dec2000t.h dsp_dec2540t.h dsp_dec3000s.h dvb-ttpci-info.txt

saa7146.o: $(saa7146-objs)
	$(LD) -r -o $@ $(saa7146-objs)

saa7146_vv.o: $(saa7146-vv-objs)
	$(LD) -r -o $@ $(saa7146-vv-objs)

dvb-ttpci-budget-av.o: $(dvb-ttpci-budget-av-objs)
	$(LD) -r -o $@ $(dvb-ttpci-budget-av-objs)

dvb-ttpci-budget-ci.o: $(dvb-ttpci-budget-ci-objs)
	$(LD) -r -o $@ $(dvb-ttpci-budget-ci-objs)

dvb-ttpci-budget-patch.o: $(dvb-ttpci-budget-patch-objs)
	$(LD) -r -o $@ $(dvb-ttpci-budget-patch-objs)

dvb-ttpci-budget.o: $(dvb-ttpci-budget-objs)
	$(LD) -r -o $@ $(dvb-ttpci-budget-objs)

av7110_firm.h: fdump $(AV7110_FIRMWARE_PRESENT)
	./fdump $(AV7110_FIRMWARE_PRESENT) dvb_ttpci_fw $@
av7110.o: av7110_firm.h

	( \
	echo 'Warning: no firmware file for the av7110 driver found.' \
	echo '         the driver will *not* be build.' \
	echo '         Have a look at README for details!' \
	) > $@; 

dvb-ttpci.o: $(dvb-ttpci-objs)
	$(LD) -r -o $@ $(dvb-ttpci-objs)

dvb-core.o: $(dvb-core-objs)
	$(LD) -r -o $@ $(dvb-core-objs)

	etags *.[ch]

-include $(wildcard *.d) dummy

ttusb_dec.o: dsp_dec2000t.h dsp_dec2540t.h dsp_dec3000s.h

dsp_dec2000t.h: fdump
	@if [ -r dvb-ttusb-dec-2000t.fw ]; then \
		./fdump dvb-ttusb-dec-2000t.fw dsp_dec2000t $@; \
	else \
		( \
		echo '#include <asm/types.h>'; \
		echo 'u8 dsp_dec2000t [] __initdata = {};'; \
		echo '#warning WARNING:'; \
		echo '#warning If you intend to use the DEC2000-t driver please fetch the firmware as'; \
		echo '#warning described in:'; \
		echo '#warning linux/Documentation/dvb/ttusb-dec.txt'; \
		) > $@; \

dsp_dec2540t.h: fdump
	@if [ -r dvb-ttusb-dec-2540t.fw ]; then \
		./fdump dvb-ttusb-dec-2540t.fw dsp_dec2540t $@; \
	else \
		( \
		echo '#include <asm/types.h>'; \
		echo 'u8 dsp_dec2540t [] __initdata = {};'; \
		echo '#warning WARNING:'; \
		echo '#warning If you intend to use the DEC2540-t driver please fetch the firmware as'; \
		echo '#warning described in:'; \
		echo '#warning linux/Documentation/dvb/ttusb-dec.txt'; \
		) > $@; \

dsp_dec3000s.h: fdump
	@if [ -r dvb-ttusb-dec-3000s.fw ]; then \
		./fdump dvb-ttusb-dec-3000s.fw dsp_dec3000s $@; \
	else \
		( \
		echo '#include <asm/types.h>'; \
		echo 'u8 dsp_dec3000s [] __initdata = {};'; \
		echo '#warning WARNING:'; \
		echo '#warning If you intend to use the DEC3000-s driver please fetch the firmware as'; \
		echo '#warning described in:'; \
		echo '#warning linux/Documentation/dvb/ttusb-dec.txt'; \
		) > $@; \

	$(CC) -o $@ fdump.c

 * dvb_frontend.h
 * Copyright (C) 2001 Ralph Metzler for convergence integrated media GmbH
 *                    overhauled by Holger Waechtler for Convergence GmbH
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.

 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

#ifndef _DVB_FRONTEND_H_
#define _DVB_FRONTEND_H_

#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/sched.h>
#include <linux/ioctl.h>
#include <linux/i2c.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/errno.h>

#include <linux/dvb/frontend.h>

#include "dvb_i2c.h"
#include "dvbdev.h"

 *   when before_ioctl is registered and returns value 0, ioctl and after_ioctl
 *   are not executed.

struct dvb_frontend {
	int (*before_ioctl) (struct dvb_frontend *frontend, unsigned int cmd, void *arg);
	int (*ioctl) (struct dvb_frontend *frontend, unsigned int cmd, void *arg);
	int (*after_ioctl) (struct dvb_frontend *frontend, unsigned int cmd, void *arg);
	void (*notifier_callback) (fe_status_t s, void *data);
	struct dvb_i2c_bus *i2c;
	void *before_after_data;   /*  can be used by hardware module... */
	void *notifier_data;       /*  can be used by hardware module... */
	void *data;                /*  can be used by hardware module... */

struct dvb_frontend_tune_settings {
        int min_delay_ms;
        int step_size;
        int max_drift;
        struct dvb_frontend_parameters parameters;

 *   private frontend command ioctl's.
 *   keep them in sync with the public ones defined in linux/dvb/frontend.h
 *   FE_SLEEP. Ioctl used to put frontend into a low power mode.
 *   FE_INIT. Ioctl used to initialise the frontend.
 *   FE_GET_TUNE_SETTINGS. Get the frontend-specific tuning loop settings for the supplied set of parameters.
#define FE_SLEEP              _IO('v', 80)
#define FE_INIT               _IO('v', 81)
#define FE_RESET              _IO('v', 82)  // taken from the old dvb_frontend.h
#define FE_GET_TUNE_SETTINGS  _IOWR('v', 83, struct dvb_frontend_tune_settings)

extern int
dvb_register_frontend (int (*ioctl) (struct dvb_frontend *frontend,
				     unsigned int cmd, void *arg),
		       struct dvb_i2c_bus *i2c,
		       void *data,
		       struct dvb_frontend_info *info);

extern int
dvb_unregister_frontend (int (*ioctl) (struct dvb_frontend *frontend,
				       unsigned int cmd, void *arg),
			 struct dvb_i2c_bus *i2c);

 *  Add special ioctl code performed before and after the main ioctl
 *  to all frontend devices on the specified DVB adapter.
 *  This is necessairy because the 22kHz/13V-18V/DiSEqC stuff depends
 *  heavily on the hardware around the frontend, the same tuner can create 
 *  these signals on about a million different ways...
 *  Return value: number of frontends where the ioctl's were applied.
extern int
dvb_add_frontend_ioctls (struct dvb_adapter *adapter,
			 int (*before_ioctl) (struct dvb_frontend *frontend,
					      unsigned int cmd, void *arg),
			 int (*after_ioctl)  (struct dvb_frontend *frontend,
					      unsigned int cmd, void *arg),
			 void *before_after_data);

extern void
dvb_remove_frontend_ioctls (struct dvb_adapter *adapter,
			    int (*before_ioctl) (struct dvb_frontend *frontend,
					         unsigned int cmd, void *arg),
			    int (*after_ioctl)  (struct dvb_frontend *frontend,
					         unsigned int cmd, void *arg));

extern int
dvb_add_frontend_notifier (struct dvb_adapter *adapter,
			   void (*callback) (fe_status_t s, void *data),
			   void *data);
extern void
dvb_remove_frontend_notifier (struct dvb_adapter *adapter,
			      void (*callback) (fe_status_t s, void *data));


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