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[linux-dvb] Re: Skystar2 rev 2.6b erratic behavior

On Wed, 08 Sep 2004 00:04:08 -0400, <> wrote:


I think you have two different problems here, namely:

1. Locking doesn't always works
I'm not sure but since I don't have this problem with the same card I'd say your dish isn't properly alligned. I'm using a Knoppix (mixed with different Debian versions) system with kernel 2.6.6

Thanks for your reply! :)
My dish is well aligned. I have about 70-80% signal level on most channels...
The problem about "no data" in /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0 is very weird...
I got the CVS from linuxtv and the problem seems to have reduced, but it still happens...
This is the situation:
I szap into a channel, it displays "locked", I do: cat /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0 and there's data comming through.
I stop szap, and restart it again... same channel or another one... it locks again and there's data on dvr0..
stop szap, restart it again, and it doesn't lock!!! or even worse.. it locks, but there's no data comming out of dvr0!!!
Sometimes if I remove the modules, reinstall them again, and restart szap, it resumes working...
and end up failing some time later...
All this would make me think that the card is defective, but I never got these problems under WinXP...

Weird! hum!

btw, can you see a list of the dvb-s channels (in mplayer) in the OSD menu?


2. mplayer doesn't play anything.
A couple of months ago when I first started playing with this card I wrote this little script from the (I must say very scarce) information I found on the web to load the modules. As it seems you don't load all the modules I do. Try an additional "modprobe mt312" or this script :
# cat ~/skystar2
MODS="dvb-core skystar2 mt312 stv0299"

case $1 in
for mod in $MODS
lsmod | egrep \"`echo $MODS | sed -e 's/ /|/g'`\"
echo "TODO: write me!"
echo "Usage: $0 start|stop|status"

My 2 cent tip on mplayer:
I used mplayer the same way you do and wondered why people can't make this easier... It turns out they did, try:
mplayer dvb://1@"ZDF" -cache 4092
Of couse this will not help you with your immadiate problem :-)

gb wrote:


I'm running gentoo (2004.2 CD) with kernel 2.6.7 with dvb support as modules.
I load the modules:
modprobe dvb-core dvb_shutdown_timeout=0
mosprobe skystar2
modprobe stv0299

then I type: szap -r ZDF
(sometimes) it locks on the channel.
then I can do: mplayer - < /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0
and the image is displayed on screen.

after "szapping" a few channels, I start getting some problems...
Some times it doesn't lock at all!!If I stop szar, and restart it, it locks ok (!)...
some other times, it does lock, but there's no data comming out of /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0 !!!

If I remove the modules, and reload them, then sometimes it resumes working...

Can anyone give me some help?

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