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[linux-dvd] margi driver not working with 2.4.0?

Malcolm Caldwell writes:
 > Hello,
 > I have been trying to get the margi driver to work with 2.4.0 and I have been
 > having some problems.
 > If I use the testsuit showpic osdtest etc work, but playfile does not.  It
 > also does not work if I cat >/dev/margi a vob.  Also, the code I have written
 > (an oms plugin) does not work either.
 > I seem to remember that the driver was updated for 2.4.0 but that was before
 > 2.4.0 was released - it could be that the final release version is
 > uncompatible with the margi driver?

Can you tell me what happens. What does dmesg say.
I had some problems with getting files to start playing, which has
nothing to do with 2.4.0.. The problem is probably that I fixed
another problem which had to do with reinitilization after close and
now there sometimes is not enough data in the buffers to start
playback for some files. I'll see what I can do. 


Dr. Marcus Metzler                                         

Convergence Integrated Media GmbH          
Rosenthaler Str. 51                   
D-10178 Berlin                             

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