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[vdr] AW: MPlayer <-> VDR, the second one

On 21 Oct 2001 "Jochen Vieten" <> wrote:

> The directory browser doesn't work here. In mp3 menu i can't browse DVD- and
> CD-drive.

What exactly means "can't browse"? Can't you select them or are
they shown as empty or what?
Have you defined the sources in mp3sources.conf properly? Did the
mount works (verify from a shell)?

> The "/mp3" dir works, but here some dirs with special chars are shown as
> empty.

What special chars?

> Playing of the whole dir is working fine.

Does this means that even the files in the "special" dirs shown
as empty are played?

> In MPlayer menu i can browse both DVD- and CD-drives after going back to
> main menu.

So you enters MPlayer menu, enters source selector, mount the DVD
drive, select the DVD as source. Now you are returned to the
MPlayer menu, but it's empty. You leaves the menu and reenters
and now the files are shown.
Is this happening this way?

> Any hints?

Not yet :-(

> Since the browser doesn't work, my script scans DVD- and CD-Drive
> for
> avi- and mpgfiles and starts mplayer. If you want this, no problem...

Thanks, but I thing it's to special.

Stefan Huelswitt  |

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