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[vdr] Re: DVD Output progressiv?

Am Freitag,  1. Februar 2002 20:13 schrieben Sie:
> progressive means: 50 fullframes (improves image quality significant)
> per second instead of 50 interlaced half-frames
no, it is 25 fullframes (or 30 for NTSC; 24 for film)
and yes, you can use it. You have to connect your beamer to the VGA-Output of 
your graphics card and start an X server with the required resolution. Then 
you have to run a TV application like xawtv, which puts the output of the 
DVBs MPEG decoder to the X server.



Andreas Gebel    Tel: +49 345 6782511
Diese Nachricht wurde ohne Zuhilfenahme von Microsoft- Produkten erstellt.
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