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[vdr] suggestion for MP3 extension

as I understand if I play a file or directory a  "instant" playlist
is generated. So it should be easy to have a fuction to *add*
titels/folders to this instant playlist.
i.e.: If I play a album the titles will  become entries in this playlist 
- now I browse to another folder and press a function wich 
adds this new entries to the playlist so the second album is 
playing when the first is done, and so on ,until I stop playback
and the instant playlist is deleted...
the yellow button is still free during playing  ;-)


    _    _
 ./        \.  
( .        , )  
 \ \_\\//_/ /   
  ~~  ~~  ~~    
(see it with monospaced font)

 Uwe Weissbach, Leipzig

pgp:    send mail with "pgp-request" in subject

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