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[vdr] Re: EPG bug in vdr-1.0.0pre5

Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> Tobias Kerner wrote:
>>I found a bug in vdr-1.0.0pre5. when I switch to a channel and select
>>MENU->SCHEDULE and press twice the green button and then switch to
>>another channel and select MENU->SCHEDULE too and press DOWN I see the
>>epg-date of a previous watched channel. it's not always the last viewed
>>channel. and sometimes it happens that I see only a view channels in the
>>"what's on next" screen. after pressing BACK and secelting the NEXT menu
>>again I see all channels with epg.
> It's not quite clear to me what the exact sequence of actions is to
> reproduce this. Do you leave the OSD menu when you "switch to another channel"?
> Could you please provide detailed step-by-step instructions?
> Klaus

hehe, sure I can. :)

I press the following buttons:

MENU, OK (to enter schedule), twice GREEN and MENU to exit the osd. then 
I switch to another channel and press: MENU, OK (to enter schedule), DOWN
when I press the down button I see the epg data of another channel but 
not of the current one. when I exit the osd and enter the schedule again 
it shows the correct info.


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