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[vdr] converting pva-files and generate index.vdr


my first try with my dvb-s card was with windows-software last year. Then I found VDR and switched to this better solution. 
But I have some recording with pva format. I tried several ways to replay these recording with VDR but nothing was perfect.

First I want to convert the pva (or av_pes) files to pes with the mpegtools. But in the latest driver there is no av_pes support. With the older driver 0.8.x I wasn´t able to compile the mpegtools.

So I use PVAStrumento to convert the pva files to ps files. Now I can replay the files with VDR but I have not index.vdr file. I tried several versions of genindex.c. Only one version was able to create a new index.vdr file the other version state "broken mpeg file". But with this index file I can jump in the recording but I´m not able to do fast or back forward.

How can I convert pva or ps files to pes. Or where can I find a genindex with works with ps files and vdr 1.0.preX.


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