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[vdr] Re: font

Dariush Forouher wrote:
> Am Fre, 2002-04-05 um 15.48 schrieb Carsten Koch:
> > bad idea. I guess that is the reason why new Hauppauge cards
> > no longer have an OSD. Sooner or later it will no longer be
> Do you mean the Hauppauge Nexus? 

No, I meant the Nova and the Nova-CI.
I was not aware that the Nexus still has a hardware MPEG decoder,
but I guess you are right: from the specs at
it seems that the nexus would still be suitable as a primary
card for VDR? Has anyone tried? Does it work without problems?

I still think that soon there will be no market for hardware
MPEG decoding. Even a 2-year-old CPU can do it in software now.
So I guess sooner or later cards like the original DVB-s and
the nexus-s will be dropped and we should start thinking about

Also, at least time shifting will be a lot cheaper if done
via the graphics card's TV-out that costs you between 0 and 20
Euro, instead of using a 300 Euro Nexus for that.


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