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[vdr] Re: Bug vdr-1.0.0pre5?

Klaus Schmidinger wrote:

>Steffen Koch wrote:
>>Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
>>>>No... the deleted movie is, deleted and I can't see it. but before I've
>>>>delete it, I can't see any record. The Menu was empty.
>>>Maybe I'm a little too stupid to follow you: if you don't *see* the recording,
>>>how can you *delete* it? Or don't you delete it via the VDR menu, but rather
>>>via a shell command?
>>Maybe he used vdr with vfat=1 sometimes....??
>Yes, that might well be the explanation. Silly me, I should have thought of this...
Now I've use vdr-1.0.0 and
I've tested it  by changing the dirname or copying the records to an 
other partition.  It seems, that was a temporary behavior.
Maybe I've make a mistake. I'll watch this, the next great record comes 
on sonday. :o)

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