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[vdr] Re: tech patch

Steffen Koch wrote:
> Emil Naepflein wrote:
>>>Are SigStrength values of 150 or SNRs of 16587 normal?

I think that the first value is absolutely common, I normally have 
values between 100-120 and 160-170. Once When the sun was shining and on 
a very strong trasponder I had a 200+ value (out of range!).

I've never had that kind of SNR values, always two digits point a 
decimal, positive or negative...

> on my machine DVB-s 1.3 they are always that high... may after 10
> seconds they are normal, I've not tested that...

mh, I don't have this: the values are dinamically (too fast?) updated, 
and are more or less the same, varying of +-10 units each time. Are your 
results very different from this?

Could you please also try the bitrate feature? You must start a 
recording to see the value (I want to change this tonite, so the value 
is always avaiable).

thank you

P.S. the location of the patch is:

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