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[vdr] Re: Feature suggestions


On Thu, 18 Apr 2002, Thomas Keil (TK) wrote:

TK> I have some suggestions for features I'm missing (and which are probably
TK> not too hard to implement):

here some comments on some of the questions:

TK> - When you decrease a starting time on a timer and cross a date border,
TK> for example 00:00 on the 18th to 23:55 on the 17th, there should either
TK> be a warning on the OSD to also change the date, or it should be
TK> automagically changed and a warning issed that just this happened.

warning - maybe.
but to automatically change the date - better not.
imagine you are entering a timer by hand, then you mostly change the date
and then the time. You wouldn't like the idea that the (correctly entered)
date is automatically changed to something wrong.

BTW - there is a setup option to set the start and end margins of a
recording (if you create a timer from the shedules menu)

TK> - If you're recording something a key would be cool to set markings on
TK> the fly for cutting the recording later. This way it would be easier
TK> (and faster) to find commercial brakes later.

What if there are several recordings at the same time?

TK> - VDR is capable to tune to radio stations :-)
TK> Radio doesn't have video broadcast (duh!), thus the screen stays black.
TK> It would be cool if the logo of the station would be displayed :-)

IIRC there were some discussions about it on the list in the past (as I
don't use the radio feature, I can't remember if it ever was implemented)

TK> - I'd like to have a second type of timer that just changes the channel
TK> but doesn't actually record.

If there will be such a type of a timer, such timer should only have a
start time/date and a channel.
If such a timer hits, it should switch the primary card to that channel
(of course if there's no recording)
I think, there's no need for a priority for such a timer.

TK> - Really cool would be something like regular expressions in timers.
TK> Like this you wouldn't have to enter a time at all, VDR would
TK> automatically add a timer if it finds a given string in the EPG.
TK> For example I'd like to record all episodes of "Alpha Centauri" on
TK> BR.Alpha. Since the EPG of BRA sucks big time an is just a couple hours
TK> in advance, an automatic timer at the moment it is found would be _very_
TK> useful!

is this "Alpha Centauri" not broadcasted always at the same time?
you could tell vdr to record e.g. every Mon and Thu at 12:00-13:00

TK> - A Zap-Back key.
TK> To zap back to the channel you've previously been.
TK> For example if you watch something, commercials start and you zap away,
TK> most probably more than just one channel. With this you can zap back
TK> directly to the channel you've started.

there is already such a key - "0", but it switches only to the
_previously_ shown channel.

c ya
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                -- Mark Twain

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