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<you:> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
<you:> Von: []Im Auftrag
<you:> von Steffen Koch
<you:> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 25. April 2002 18:05
<you:> An:
<you:> Betreff: [vdr] Re: Crashes, OSD Color
<you:> On Thu, 25 Apr 2002 17:58:06 +0200, Ulrich Petri wrote:
<you:> >But what really "annoys" me is that after some time (varies
<you:> wildly from
<you:> >10 minutes to 10 hours) the OSD Colors are completly F****D
<you:> UP. So that
<you:> >it becomes impossible to read anything, so i have to restart vdr.
<you:> Same problem here
<you:> >So i hope anyone has found out how to fix it (or why this happens).
<you:> >I use a rev. 2.1 board
<you:> >Suse 7.3
<you:> >siemens-dvb-01.04.2002
<you:> >Vdr-1.0.1-AIO (also happens with plain vdr from 0.99 to 1.0.1)
<you:> I have
<you:> 2* rev1.3
<you:> Suse 7.2
<you:> driver from 010921
<you:> vdr 1.0.1 with mp3 patch
<you:> next time i'll take a screenshot... if possible..

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