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[vdr] Re: F1-Settings for channel.con.cable

Oliver Lorei wrote:
> Am Samstag, 11. Mai 2002 15:42 schrieben Sie:
> > Oliver wrote:
> > > > :Premiere Formel 1
> to Uwe Scheffler and other DVB-C user's
> Did you already add the settings to the channel.conf.cable that came with
> VDR 1.0.2 and send a copy to Klaus Schmidinger ??? concerning he ask for
> "maintainer" for this file

Uwe did send me that new file, but the lines were unnecessarily shuffeled,
so I asked him to provide a file with a smaller 'diff' against the one from VDR 1.0.2.

> A "maintainer" for DVB-C will be difficult IMHO , because of differences from
> the regional cable provider. I live in NRW and know that  e.g. in Berlin are
> some more channels for DVB-C

You can either create separate sections in channels.conf.cable for channels
that are only available in certain areas (like currently done in the section
':Digit. Bouquet"Kabel Berlin"'), or you can maintain completely separate
files for each area, like channels.conf.cable.Berlin, channels.conf.cable.Hamburg
or so. I'll take whatever I get and add it to the next VDR release. In the meantime
I'll try to keep the files up-to-date at

> IMHO the guy who post's the new setting's first time can or should do this
> and add a line like ( I add the new setting's to the latest
> channel.conf.cable and send a copy of it to Klaus Schmidinger or so )
> to his posting,  so Klaus gets nothing twice.
> what do yo think ?

That's a good idea.
Since I can't actually test channel files for cable, I'll have to take them
as they are sent to me. Please make your changes based on the latest file
version from, and try to keep the
differences as small as possible. Also, always send _complete_ files, so I can
simply replace them in the VDR distribution.

One day VDR will surely have channel scanning capabilities. Until then I guess
we can live with the channels.conf* files being maintained manually...


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH                   Fax:   +49-8635-6989-40
Hofmark 2                               Email:
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