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[vdr] Re: RFC - wakeup-timer

Klaus Schmidinger wrote:

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>Frankly, I don't like the idea of overloading the timers with "dummy"
>that doesn't really belong there.
>With the upcoming new plugin system, you could create a plugin that offers
>you an interactive way of maintaining additional wakeup times, which could
>be taken into account in your shutdown script. That way you still could
>do this from the VDR frontend, keeping the timer mechanisms "clean" ;-)
>Actually, VDR version 1.1.2 already has all the plugin facilities you'll
>for implementing sich a feature. You could have your own setup page where
>can edit extra wakeup times.

OK, in some points I understand your concerns, even if wakeup timers
(better word than dummy timers)
wouldn't disturb me.
Hmm, maybe if this was my code they would indeed do so :-)
I'll leave your beloved timer mechanism clean --  just kiddin' :-)
The plugin aproach seem feasible to me - I'll take a look into this if time
Btw, one question:
What does VDR do if the ending time is equal to the starting time for a
Is this possible?


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