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[vdr] Re: crypted program -> vdr restarts

Tobias Meyer-Janson wrote:
> Hello!
> I just had a problem with the normally uncrypted Sat.1 that sent one
> special crypted program. I did not want to record that program but I had
> a falsely programmed timer which tried that.
> Than - I think because of the cryption - as the timer started, vdr
> restarted and restarted and restarted and so on, every ~30s (watchdog is
> 60s). I couldn't find any syslog-lines about this, just a "su session
> terminated" or something like this and the normal restart logs. No time
> out, unsync, and so on.
> Than I managed to stop this timer and the problem disappeared.
> Is that a bug? E. g. if I want to record the program after that crypted
> one, by the MarginStart the recording would overlap so that the
> described crashes would take effect.

It's not a bug - it's a feature.

The problem is that sometimes the driver just doesn't deliver data when
VDR wants to start recording, and the only way (so far) to reliably recover
from that is to reload the driver and restart VDR.

You can disable this feature by commenting out the "EmergencyExit" call in
the section

      if (time(NULL) - t > MAXBROKENTIMEOUT) {
         esyslog(LOG_ERR, "ERROR: video data stream broken");
         t = time(NULL);

in VDR/dvbapi.c (line 553 in the original source).
VDR will then just rely on the driver to deliver data. However, I don't
know whether it will work if there is an encrypted transmission (which can't
be received due to the lack of decryption hardware) followed by an FTA transmission
which shall be recorded, and the recording starts while the encrypted one is
still going on.


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
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