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[vdr] Re: Multiple crashes while recording

> > By the way -- the video stream shown on the 
> > TV does not indicate that it would be broken.
> The intend of my change was that the recording just ends. As desribed in
> my other email to recover from receive problems other changes would be
> necessary. In a first step for me was importent to prevent the
> interruption of other concurrent recordings.
I see. I had not yet enough time to dive into the code but maybe that it will be possible to recover from a broken video stream without interupting the recording (Klaus?).

> > I utilize a DVB-C card (Hauppauge WinTV-DVB-C).
> Then you shouldn't have receive problems except for other signal quality
> problems on cable. Do you have a clear picture on analog channels?
I have a clear analogue picture but I am about to check the quality of my cable (it is an installation which was already there when I moved into my house). I suspect that it (the cable) is of a more cheaper kind ;-) On the other hand the signal quality seems to change depending on daytime.

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