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[vdr] Re: XSVCDs (was Re: does someone know)

On Monday 10 June 2002 13:35, you wrote:
> > I am using the mplex program from the DVB driver (-t XSVCD) to convert the
> > VDR files to XSVCD format, the GNU vcdimager to create the CD image, and
> > cdrdao to burn the CDs - a completely GPL'd solution.
> > 
> > I am still experimenting, and am getting occasional A/V sync problems, so 
> > would be interested to know if anyone else is trying this.
> I have not yet tried this approach, but it sounds more
> promising than tosvcd.
> Can you post an exact list of the commands you used
> with all their parameters?

The following is the basic series of steps.  Steps 2 and 3 (generating the 
XSVCD complient mpeg file) is the tricky one - especially if there are any 
recording errors in the file.

Step 1 - Record a broadcast using VDR and edit/split to files approximately 
700MB in size

Step 2 - Demultiplex using es_demux from the DVB driver

es_demux 001.vdr 001.mpa 001.mpv

Make a note of the A/V sync value  For example, 226 ms

You can also use pvastrumento (I run it without trouble under wine) and press 
"info" to display this value.  es_demux usually gives me an insane value 
(e.g. 45780.8s)

Step 3 - Remultiplex to XSVCD format (using mplex from the DVB driver)

mplex -v 226 -i ES_STREAM -t XSVCD 001.mpa 001.mpv

Where "-v 226" is the video delay.  If it is negative, then specify an audio 
delay (-a X).  The multiplexed file is called "out.mpg".

Step 4 - Create CD image using vcdimager 0.6.2 (

vcdimager -t svcd --broken-svcd-mode -c videocd.cue -b videocd.bin -l 
SVCD_LABEL -v out.mpg

Step 5 - Burn using cdrdao:

cdrdao write --device 0,0,0 --driver generic-mmc videocd.cue

The "device" and "driver" will vary depending upon your setup.



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