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[vdr] Re: FW: SuSE 8.0 und Teletext es geht !

Am Sonntag, 9. Juni 2002 22:45 schrieb Robert Schneider:
> It also works if you use libvideogfx 1.0.2, it is
> explicitely mentioned on the download page that it fixes a
> bug that makes programs segfault when loaded.
> At least here with my SuSE 8.0 it works.

Hi Robert,
thanks for this advise. I tried it and it compiles and vdr 
starts as wanted.
Unfortunately now regularly crashes occurs when I use the 
teletext-feature. It crashes with the "convert MPEG" fault, 
as Peter mentioned in his FAQ.
@all/Peter: Is anything going on to fix this problem ???
CU Norbert

* Norbert Schmidt - D-47443 Moers - *

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