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[vdr] Re: Subtitle recording

On Friday 14 June 2002 09:17, Lauri Pesonen wrote:
> On Thu, 2002-06-13 at 11:27, Dave Chapman wrote:
> > Is there any interest in adding subtitle recording (and obviously display 
> > the future) to VDR?  As with AC3 audio, it would be nice to implement 
> > recording in advance of decoding and display functionality in VDR.
> > 
> I'm interested since in Finland two broadcasters provide all their
> subtitling as DVB subtitles on at least five channels and it's a slight
> problem with foreign programming.

I expected someone to say that Finland DVB-T was the same as UK DVB-T.

> I'm only interested in DVB subtitles since teletext subtitling is not
> used in Finland. Does not mean that I could not help though.

I am probably not going to do any work on teletext subtitles.  Other people 
are working on this.
> I've been looking at the DVB subtitling and SI specs, but haven't really
> yet figured out how to implement it. 

I think the most important thing to implement first is recording of the 
subtitles.  I've studied the subtitling specification, and although it looks 
complicated, I am confident of being able to implement it.  I also think that 
the DVB card's OSD should be capable of displaying the subtitles - obviously 
subtitles will have to be disabled when the OSD is active (that's how my 
"real" DVB-T receiver works).

Klaus - would you be willing to add recording of these subtitle streams to 
VDR?  The PES packets have the stream_id 0xBD (private_stream1) and would 
need a separate entry in the channels.conf file.  This would only seem to be 
applicable to DVB-T users.

I am happy to try and write the patch myself - would you accept it into the 
main VDR?



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