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[vdr] Re: MP3/MPlayer extention 0.4.4 available

On 15 Jun 2002 "Gunnar Roth" <> wrote:

> Hello, I am curios if  someone is doing a modification to the MP3 Extension,
> that output the music
> to a soundcard. Because I only have one dvb-c card, i cant listen to the
> music if i do record something.
> Even if i had 2 card i could not record 2 movies at a time.

The primary dvb device will be blocked even if you reroutes the
output to your sound card. This is due to the internal handling
of vdr and I think it will involve major work to change this.

I'm not working on this topic and I think it will be best to wait
until the plugin interface is finished. From Klaus comments I
would guess that this will make such a task much easier.

> PS: another thing i would like for the mp3 stuff is a random song mode which
> plays all my mp3s in random order  plus a random album mode, playing songs
> of albums in the album order , but choosing this albums randomly.

There is a random song mode. Go to the browse menu and select
"Play all". 

Stefan Huelswitt  |

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