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[vdr] Re: where to get EPG-data from

Gerhard Steiner wrote:
> As I already wrote, I send a mail to to ask them to
> get the data in a legal way.
> They will definitely not do this.
> I am alos using epg2timers and it's great.
> I am looking to get the epg-data in an legal way!

I could offer to upload the generated by my VDR once a day
to our server. I guess there shouldn't be much legal consideration here,
since the data is publicly available through the DVB data stream, anyway.

Try the file from

If you copy it into your /video directory and restart VDR you should
have the current EPG data. This is for the channels defined in the default
channels.conf on Astra.

Let me know if this is useful. I'll set up a crontab entry then which
uploads this once a day.


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH                   Fax:   +49-8635-6989-40
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