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[vdr] vdr2divx 1.5.3 - question

Your scripts seems to work fine, but there is one problem I can't fix: 

The first mencoder pass produces a divx video with good size and not
really good qualitity. 
But the second pass gives me a file bigger than the original mpeg2
The videos I've tried have stereo audio and a length between 20 and 25
minutes. I'm using mplayer latest cvs. starts mencoder with the following options: 

cat 001.vdr | nice -n 10 /usr/local/bin/mencoder -lavcopts
vcodec=mpeg4   -frames 33389 -vop pp=0x20000 -mc 1 -o
/ablage/vdr2divx/temp/test.avi -passlogfile
/ablage/vdr2divx/temp/divx2pass.log -divx4opts br=903 -pass 2 -- - 

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