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[vdr] SV: Re: AW: looping mails

I also have the "echo" effect with reappering messages. It happends with
cirka 10% of the messages.


-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Bernhard Ritter []
Skickat: den 25 juni 2002 10:55
Ämne: [vdr] Re: AW: looping mails

And why do only some people get these loop mails. I haven't received any for
example. I have checked my Email Folder and there is still no mail which is
exactly the same as an other. This is quite funny and not really logic ...


----- Original Message -----
From: "Andreas Schultz" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 12:35 PM
Subject: [vdr] Re: AW: looping mails

On Tuesday 25 June 2002 09:59, Gerhard Andreas (RtW1/WIR1) * wrote:
> Hello Thomas,
> nope, I just had to kill about a dozen emails which arrived a 2nd time on
> my account here. Any chance to identify the one causing this? Mod's?

Have a look at any of the email which you received a second time, you will
find the cruelprint to be this:

Received: from mail pickup service by with Microsoft
Mon, 24 Jun 2002 14:56:05 +0200

The mails are received by the LISTAR software, sent out to the list
subscribers, arrieve at that host and are being resend right back to . Loop detection somehow fails and LISTAR resends the mail
the list. Most header fields are even present twice.


Andreas Schultz <>
Student of computer science

"In accordance with plans for Linux OS world domination
      infiltration of governments is vital (:-))."

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