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[vdr] SV: Re: looping mails

I suggest however that we end this discussion now. 

Looking at earlier posting from Klaus it seems we would keep the ML approach
for now. We then have three alternatives.
1. Fix the broken relay.
2. Setup a identical new server.
3. Setup a majordomo server.


-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: []
Skickat: den 26 juni 2002 11:20
Ämne: [vdr] Re: looping mails

> > I'd love to work with [a news system] since it doesn't cause so much
traffic as a html based solution and read news are stored on my local
machine (allows some kind of offline reading).
> Why don't you setup your own newsserver and subscribe it to the list??

Great idea! Could do this for my own but then we all don't profit from it.
Or are you lucky when you all are accessing it over a 768/128kB line? :-))
Serious: I think that a news system would show your postings very clearly
arranged with threads and so on. Think about the advantages and tell me what
you think. A html based frontend would not be too difficult to be added on a
news system since there are linux packages to do that. Thats my suggestion.

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