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[vdr] Re: AIO-2206 won't compile?

>>Hi Folks,
>>I'm trying to compile VDR-1.0.4 with AIO-22.06 and it won't work :-(
>>VDR-1.0.4 vanilla compiles flawlessly, except a couple warnings, but I 
>>get a working binary.
>>My System:
>>GCC 3.0.2
>If you use gcc 3.x you should be able to correct those "errors", if you
>could compile VDR-1.0.4 it's because VDR's programmer has accepted my
>really small patch to make it compiles against gcc 3.x.
>If you search the mailing list, you could also find patches for the
>previous AIO, but has it doesn't interest anybody, I have stopped to
>send them...
No! Don't! Kepp on posting!
It interests at least me :-)
Fact is that RedHat in recent distributions gives you either the 
possibility to use "their" gcc 2.96 or 3.x.
If you want to compile MPlayer you have to use 3.x or configure of 
MPlayer simply refuses to work.
Since the AIO has support for MPlayer IMHO gcc 3.x is mandatory and thus 
are your patches!

>PS: I sent this to the list a few days ago (it's quiete hard to browse
>the ml...):
Not if you archived every mail in your client =)

>Here some quick fixes:
/me gives Gregoire a big hug
It worked :-)))
Besides VTX and MPlayer I have a fully working AIO now, and I think VTX 
is just missing some libraries (which are getting on my harddisk at the 
moment (damn ISDN))

Big Thanks for your help =)

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