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[vdr] Re: Newby, channels.conf, ARM-stuff

Am Montag, 1. Juli 2002 13:11 schrieben Sie:
> Hi You All,
> 	My first message on this list. I have a Hauppauge Nexus DVB-C card
> (VES1820) since last week. The software under Windows is OK, now I want
> it under Linux (like my MP3s and my DVD player). I'm using SuSE 8.0
> Pro. I'm not really sure which list (dvr or linux-dvb) is the one I
> need, so I try both.
> 	Maybe not relevant, but for the information: I'm living in the center
> of Hamburg, Germany, my cable provider seems to be "Urbana", which
> retransmits everything from "Deutsche Telekom".
> 	So at first many thanks for the great work done for DVB/VDR under
> linux, my card is pretty new, and I made it work with vdr (at least for
> some time, now it's not working).
> 	And the first question: how to find/configure the file describing the
> channel frequencies? I downloaded dvr and the siemens driver, I did not
> find anything for scanning the frequencies and quams.

I think there's a cable.conf file in the VDR configuration directory. Try to 
copy it to /video/channels.conf (you might want to make a backup before that)

> 	What about this ARM stuff in gnufirm?? Do I have an ARM-processor on
> my card (a quick look at the components, I did not see anything with
> "ARM")? If yes, what it is used for? I could not find any clue about
> this in the libdvb api documentation.

Well it does have an ARM-processor, but you don't really need to worry, the 
driver does everything for you.

> 	And what about data channels? It may raise privacy issues, but I
> really would like to know if it's possible to sniff the data packets
> transmitted over a cable network.

It depends. The original model of Deutsche Bundespost way back in the 70s 
allowed it. I'm not sure if there are new ways.

> 	Maybe there is a FAQ for this kind of questions.

Could be

> 		Thanks for your help
> 			ben

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