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[vdr] Re: Cutting problems

Am Mittwoch, 3. Juli 2002 09:34 schrieben Sie:
> Hi,
> I'm using vdr-1.0.4-aio22.06
> When I try to cut the comercials out, I'll set the marks exactly at the
> points, where the picture fades out. But vdr seems to cut at least one
> second before the mark, so I'll loose at bit from the movie and become
> the beginning of the comercial instead. Can anybody reproduce this?
> If vdr is not able to cut exactly, does anybody knows an opensource tool
> to do this?

Well cutting MPEG2 is involves lots of black magic if you want to do it 
accurate. VDR only can do that whenever a whole picture is transmitted.  
Officially there is no way to cut betwenn them, without loosing some quality 
because you have to re-encode everything.

> ciao
> Dariush


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