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[vdr] Re: OT: SIS900 WOL

Hi Deti,

> The SIS900 patch works (I am the author and I am using it). If you have
> got problems enabling WOL simply hard code the
> static int enable_wol=1;

Mhm, I tried your patch and it is not working on my machine. I applied it
to kernel 2.4.17 and than copied sis900.c and sis900.h to my recent kernel
tree (I also tried to adapt your patch and than compile it with the same
result). I tried to compile the modules and load them with enable_wol and
I hardcoded it - but no success.

Maybe it is a problem with the power supply - but nvram works (I think the
requirements to the power supply are the same). Jens Groth once told me to
reboot with the kernel provided with nvram - but this didn't work either.

I tried ether-wake and wakeonlan to send the magic packet and even windows

Do you have any other idea what might be wrong?



Gernot A. Weber

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                              Linus Torvalds, after a hard drive crash

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